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NEW WORSHIP FRIDAY: Philippa Hanna, REVERE Unscripted, Anchor Hymns & ICF Worship

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UK singer-songwriter Philippa Hanna unveils a new version of her award-winning song 'You’re Still God' kicking off a new season of music releases. After her debut worship album 'Stained Glass Stories' released at the height of the pandemic in 2020, Philippa Hanna shines a new light on her most significant songs to date. 'You’re Still God' was recorded live at The Old Chapel studios in England and features an eclectic musical backdrop of grand piano, double bass, mandolin, acoustic guitar, and ambient drums which carry the singer’s voice beautifully. Talking about the heart of this new project, she says: "This EP is a celebration of music - one of God's greatest gifts to us. Taking these songs to a different space creatively has been my way of giving thanks for them!" ‘You’re Still God’ was written out of the ashes of a difficult personal season and has been a comfort for Philippa Hanna and her family since its inception. "As we've ventured out into the world post-pandemic, we're hearing so many stories of how the song has helped carry others through their darkest times,” she adds. The first single from the UK artist’s upcoming EP is filled with warmth and faith that though darkness may loom, God reigns above it all.

Anchor Hymns release their third single, a version of 'Altogether Good' sung by Paul Baloche and UK worship leader Lucy Grimble. Originally written by Zach Bolen and Brian Eichelberger from the band Citizens, the song has an overall soothing feel which Paul and Lucy carry effortlessly. Anchor Hymns’ new single is filled with reminders of the Lord’s nature in the face of personal and global questioning and hardship. "There’s a gentleness and beauty to this song which really makes the power of its lyrics so easy to take in. It’s not forceful in presenting truth but it also doesn’t compromise on the message," Lucy says. 'Altogether Good' points to God’s presence in our weakness, our hiding, our joys and griefs all at once. Paul Baloche sings this song off the back of losing two close relatives to cancer, "in the battle it can feel like you’re all alone," he says, "though we didn’t see the outcome that we prayed for, we were reassured many times by his presence in the midst of suffering." 'Altogether Good' encourages us to continually trust and come back to God’s loving presence in all honesty, as Paul concludes: "Acknowledging our doubts or disappointments to God is part of any healthy relationship." Anchor Hymns is the latest Integrity Music multi-artist project which is starting by reaching into the past with initial releases that will cover some of Integrity’s most iconic songs and reframe them in a modern way.

REVERE is a collective of worship and church leaders who are artists, songwriters, and content creators living out the reverential worship of the person of Jesus. That message has been resonating in the hearts of a group of Brazilian worship leaders and songwriters, bringing us to gather with them earlier this year. During this time of learning the word, song writing, and unscripted recording, the song 'Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)' emerged. Isaías Saad, an established Brazilian Christian artist with a following of millions, interpreted the song in his native language of Portuguese. 'Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)' is the translated version of 'Behold (King Of Glory)', a song pointing all glory back to God with passion and reverence at its core. The simple and sober arrangement amplifies the power of the moment when 'Contemple (O Rei Da Gloria)' was recorded "unscripted" as the new song captures a sense of ultimate devotion, respect, and honor towards the Lord.

Switzerland-based band ICF Worship announce a new German-language EP, 'Treuer Gott', with first single 'Es ist vollbracht'. The song is a translated version of 'Unchanging' which featured on their latest project of songs that is the heartbeat of their church. 'Es ist vollbracht' speaks of what Jesus accomplished on the cross and reminds the Church of its eternity-altering power. The new single is marked with the band’s musical freshness as ICF Worship seek to equip German-speaking worshippers with songs of sound theology and inspiring faith.

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