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NEW WORSHIP FRIDAY: Citizens, Mitch Wong, ICF Worship & Mozaiek Worship

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After months of anticipation, Citizens release their 6th album, 'I Can’t Find The Edges Of You'. A Seattle-born alternative band that never seem to compromise on their signature soundscape, Citizens take their listeners on a thoughtful journey away from the need to find answers to infinite questions and pointing to Peace found in surrender. In adhering closely to frontman Zach Bolen's words, "This is a record for the lost, last and least", they cleverly and creatively block out preconceived notions of faith and facts being at odds with each other, and instead encourage renewed trust in a God who is the very definition of mystery. This unique experience from Citizens offers a comforting reminder of the power of letting go; "It only took me most of my life to see how much I was missing out on by resisting surrender," Zach adds. 'I Can’t Find The Edges Of You' extends the invitation to live in the spacious acceptance that we don’t know it all. Citizens are exploring a deeper discovery of God, engaging their audience’s imagination, and inspiring them to reconsider perceptions and presuppositions of the Divine. "Many times [we think] we are grazing the edges of God not realizing it’s our edges that we are bumping up against," Zach adds, "We create these walls for God to exist within. Boundaries that make sense to us. But the last time I checked, the Divine Mystery isn’t trying to make sense." This exploration takes form on a sound so vibrant and dynamic, it pushes the boundaries of any pre-existing idea of what "Church music" should be like…


a beautiful ending, a blessed beginning

Mitch Wong releases his debut album, 'a beautiful ending, a blessed beginning'. The first full-length project from the Nashville-based Australian worship leader takes listeners on a journey from burial to bloom. The concept revolves around the theme of surrender – allowing our old nature to die – and the beauty of resurrection, reminding us that death isn’t the end but the Divine doorway into fulness of life and joy. From an early age, Mitch felt a passionate calling to write songs. But it’s in recent years that he wholeheartedly embraced this intrinsic desire to spread his music and let his voice be heard. "I can vividly remember a night two years ago when I couldn’t fall asleep because I felt God downloading all these beautiful song ideas into my head. I was wide awake and inspired like I had never experienced before. My poor wife had to suffer me recording muffled voice memos in bed until around 6AM when the downloads stopped, and I finally went to sleep," he describes. That night changed him forever as the songs, lyrics, and melodies told such a beautiful and consistent story. From this, 'a beautiful ending, a blessed beginning' was born.

ICF Worship announce new album

'God of Miracles' explores the tension at the heart of the song’s title in an encouraging way. ICF Worship's new single tells of the reality of life where supernatural provision and deficit, triumph and fall, gain and loss are all at play. 'God of Miracles' seeks to build faith in the Church as it draws people to worship the miracle-working God who is true to his word and nature. ICF Worship’s new single was inspired by the hopeful words of Psalm 77: 10-15:

"Then I thought, ‘Here is what gives me hope. For many years the Most High God showed how powerful he is. LORD, I will remember what you did. Yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will spend time thinking about everything you have done. I will consider all your mighty acts.’ God, everything you do is holy. What God is as great as our God? You are the God who does miracles. You show your power among the nations. With your mighty arm you set your people free. You set the children of Jacob and Joseph free."

'God of Miracles'  communicates the importance of keeping childlike faith and worshipping God with a mature spirit amid the tension of life, miracle or not.

Mozaiek Worship’s new Dutch album

Mozaiek Worship release a new live album titled 'Nieuw Leven' spearheaded by Kees Kraayenoord and the worship force of Mozaiek0318, a growing church in the Netherlands. Meaning 'new life', the album is a lively collection of songs including Dutch versions of worship anthems by Matt Redman and Bethel. The concept for 'Nieuw Leven' is certainly courageous and faith filled; it comes after the encouragement of songs like Jezus Overwinnaar (CCLI Benelux #1) and Onze Schuplaats is God (CCLI Benelux #15) becoming anthems in the Dutch Church. With this new album, Mozaiek Worship successfully demonstrate their keen sense for significant themes reflecting the heart and sound of the local church in their songwriting. The latter also highlights the diversity at the core of the team led by Kees Kraayenoord who is recognized as the father of contemporary worship in the Netherlands. Mozaiek Worship believe that the local church is the hope of the world and seek to share the beauty of the love and light of God through their songs. Their home church enjoys a great reputation nationwide and is seen by many as a role model for an appealing and socially relevant form of Church.

Lent playlist

Lent is a season of renewal & remembrance. We celebrate Lent to commemorate and honor Jesus' sacrifice on the cross... to come back to a place of reverence for all He did and still does!  Join us every Wednesday on Instagram for an encouraging song to carry you through this season ❤️ This week, we're worshipping with David & Nicole Binion's song 'Living Proof'. You can also get FREE Easter song bundles via the link below!


"Making this album, 'CITY OF GOD', felt less like finishing an album and more like beginning an assignment. God is moving now in the world, He is actively reconciling all things back to Christ. And we believe part of that reconciliation that is taking place is this, the heart of the creative, the story teller, the Levite worshipper and the artist returning back to the author of creation, back to Christ. We believe God is reviving His creatives again and calling us upward into a higher Kingdom minded vision. Where the value of art moves beyond just money and influence and into Gods original design for creativity and artistry which is to reveal the good, true and beautiful, to reveal Him.We pray that our March 10th release show helps spur on and inspire creatives, story tellers, worshipers  and artists in the room into a Kingdom minded Paradigm about artistry and it’s value in the world." 

- Leeland Mooring