Thrive Worship is the global worship team at Bayside Church, a multisite movement based in Northern California. Being part of the current fastest growing church in America, Thrive Worship is group of diverse singers and musicians across seven campuses, expanding their creative reach while keeping the same core passion and message. Working as a worship family, they express the following approach -“a church for people who don’t like church” –with songs that are focused on unwrapping the Gospel to everyone. The uncomplicated and power-filled nature of their mission has seen Thrive Worship break new ground in the American worship landscape. After signing with Integrity Music in 2018 and releasing their debut album, “A Thousand More,” Thrive Worship kept pursuing their call to equip the Church with truth and faith with a brand-new EP released in September 2021titled “Let’s Have Church”. The 6-track EP came from a time of overflow of songs being poured out on the team and a constant theme of the early church arose, becoming the backbone of their latest release. Thrive Worship has released their new live album titled “Pour Your Spirit Out”. The live album is named after the homonymous song released on “Let’s Have Church” –one that really framed the theme of celebrating the body of Christ that Thrive Worship are running with.