NEW WORSHIP FRIDAY: Matt Redman, Anchor Hymns & Mozaiek Worship
Matt Redman releases the ultimate single and title track for his February 17th album, 'Lamb of God'. The song expands on the many wonders of our world seen in a majestic blue ocean, a starry night sky, or the grandeur of the mountains, but it reminds us that the single greatest wonder our souls have ever seen is the Lamb of God on Calvary. Matt Redman wrote 'Lamb of God' with Jason Ingram and Bethel Music’s David Funk, who features on the track, as they pursue the centrality of the cross through the worshipful track. The theme of the cross is central in Redman’s songwriting, "it’s a game-changer right at the heart of our faith that I don’t think we should go one Sunday without singing about it," he says. "If we’re going to do that, we’re going to need fresh new songs around this beautiful ancient theme. That’s a huge motivator to me, in writing a song like this," he continues. 'Lamb of God' gives the Church a fresh window to look through, to behold the wonder of what took place at Calvary.
Anchor Hymns release 'We Will Feast in The House of Zion', the second single from their awaited new EP. Originally written by folk songstress and worship leader Sandra McCracken, this version features Antoine Bradford and Chaunda Jefferson, whose blended warm vocals adorn the chilled blues-y background. This new Anchor Hymns single is one of profound hope, pointing to the everlasting Kingdom of God where all pain will surely pass. "This song is a gentle reminder of God’s great love for us," Chaunda comments, "it lets me know that there’s protection and peace in the presence of God." 'We Will Feast in The House of Zion' is packed with beautiful and hopeful theology made accessible to all as we join together in song. With their rendition of this modern liturgical song, Anchor Hymns remind us that all troubles will be washed away - and that we can already receive peace - when we come into the Lord’s presence.
Dutch band Mozaiek Worship release the second single from their upcoming live album 'Nieuw Leven'. Titled 'Allesomvattend', translating as "All Consuming", the song was recorded live and captures the congregation's worship beautifully. Mozaiek Worship gave 'Allesomvattend' a folky feel, while the worshipful essence lifts the song. The new single is led by Kees Kraayenoord, who is recognized as the father of contemporary worship in the Netherlands. With new music and the announcement of an upcoming album, Mozaiek Worship keep their commitment to resourcing the Dutch Church with hope to share the love and light of God.