NEW WORSHIP FRIDAY: Matt Redman, Citizens & Mozaiek Worship


Matt Redman releases 'Halfway Empty', the third single off his anticipated 2023 album. The new song – and its compelling title – explores the idea that when our cup is full to the brim and overflowing, we aren’t even close to the end of God’s grace; it’s not even "halfway empty". Matt Redman wrote most of the lyrics in a hospital waiting room as one of his children underwent surgery; a tough moment in which he could practice focusing on the Lord’s kindness and provision. "I hope that’s what this song will do for other people too – in the middle of our battles and struggles – to help us remember we are constantly held, cared for and provided for," he says. 'Halfway Empty' encourages the Church, reminding us that there has never been a day when the goodness, blessing, and favor of our God didn’t show up in our lives somehow. There’s an innate gentleness to 'Halfway Empty' as it was recorded in an acoustic style, emphasizing the tender heart of God towards his people. Written alongside Quinten Coblentz, Wes Writer and Lynnea, the new single is a worshipful song of remembrance and thanksgiving about the plentiful, lavish, and inexhaustible goodness and grace of God in our lives.


Citizens' new single 'Good Ground' was initially inspired by the opening account in the book of John, setting up a Christological lens through which to read the Scriptures: Jesus is the Word. Following from there, the parable of the Sower takes on a whole new meaning when perceiving Jesus being the One sown in our hearts; the hope of the world has been enmeshed into the spiritual soil of this earth. "We get to participate as gardeners and cultivators through our living testimonies, our stories. This song is a prayer for the ground of our hearts to be soft so that we don’t miss the best thing we have going for us in Christ," Zach Bolen says. On a musical plan, 'Good Ground' is an effervescent folky tune.


Mozaiek Worship introduce their upcoming live album with first single 'Nieuw Leven'. Meaning "new life", it’s a wide and expansive track that reflects the concept musically.  'Nieuw Leven' is a hopeful and faith-inspiring song, calling the Church to pursue the Life Jesus offers those who trust him with their lives. Led by Kees Kraayenoord, who is recognized as the father of contemporary worship in the Netherlands, the new single successfully demonstrates Mozaiek Worship’s keen sense for significant themes in their songwriting. With new music and the announcement of an upcoming album, Mozaiek Worship keep their commitment to resourcing the Dutch Church with hope to share the love and light of God.