NEW WORSHIP FRIDAY: FAITHFUL Daybreak: Psalms of Action

Daybreak: Psalms of Action

FAITHFUL's Album Daybreak: Psalms of Action was born from the intimate moments of women studying the Psalms. Each track embodies the freedom and vast expanse of God's love. It invites the church and the world to move beyond beliefs toward action as the people of God. It calls us to belonging, repentance, justice, and unity.

The sonic essence of Daybreak: Psalms of Action is lush and organic. Like a verdant garden, it is a natural, vibrant, and life-affirming space where listeners can wander, explore, and find solace.

“Take Off Running” holds a special place among the tracks with its fresh lyrics and addictive melody that offer a deep breath of satisfaction and freedom. It paints a picture of God's love as a comprehensive, open space, a haven where women can run.

“True Belonging” is a prophetic and timely song that calls us to seek understanding before being understood, to listen more than we speak. This song serves as a beacon of humility and peacemaking.

It's envisioned that the songs from Daybreak: Psalms of Action will find their way into worship sets, allowing new voices to be heard and enabling listeners to be drawn closer to God's purpose for the church and be moved to take ac9on that promotes love and justice.